IPA Regional Programme 2007-2009 coordination meeting held in Durrës

A coordination meeting for IPA Regional Programme 2007-2009 with the participation of the Albanian Minister of Integration, Majlinda Bregu and the EC Ambassador in Tirana, Helmut Lohan, was organised in the premised of “Adriatik Hotel” in Durrës.

This meeting in the framework of the EU funds programme for 2007-2013 is the fifth of this kind held in the regional countries and in Brussels during 2006 and 2007.

All Western Balkans countries - candidate and potential candidate countries and Turkey, 8 countries in total – are participatory to this programme. An amount of EUR 401.1 million will be allocated for implementation during 2007-2009 to all these countries and the programme will be implemented through annual action plans.

This programme’s main goal is strengthening co-operation and dialogue among participatory countries, a cooperation which shall have an impact on their social and economic development. The focus is placed on regional areas to be addressed through co-operation and commitment among these countries.

In their welcoming notes, Ms.Bregu and Mr.Lohan underlined the importance of this cooperation as a key prerequisite for EU adherence and in the light of commitments under the Zagreb and Thessaloniki Summits for enhancing political dialogue in the regional countries to the benefit of their development.

“This programme foresees co-operation in the areas of customs and taxation, education and research, internal market and trade, justice and internal affairs, public administration reforms and civil society dialogue which are vital to the development programme of our countries”, said Minister Bregu adding that the IPA Multi-Beneficiary coordination meeting addresses also environment, public administration, cooperation of International Financial Institutions, Integrated Border Management and co-operation among European agencies for participation in the Community programmes”.
Source: MIE

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