Alpha Bank doubles its profit in Albania

The Albanian branch of Alpha Bank had reportedly doubled its profits from interest profits, operative income, as well as decrease of provision funds, the weekly economic magazine, Monitor, reported recently.

According to the banks financial statement, profit after taxes for 2006 reached LEK804 million (USD8 million, EUR6.5 million)*, from LEK374.6 million in 2005 (USD3.6 million, EUR2.94 million).

At the end of 2005 total assets did not mark an increase as a result of the managing policies of the bank to lower interst expenses. Nevertheless, customer liabilities grew by 19 percent. Shareholder’s equity was doubled, reaching LEK3.4 billion.

During 2005, Alpha Bank of Albania’s ROAA of 2.83 percent and a ROEA of about 31.3 percent.

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