Who was Alexander the Great?

Who exactly was Alexander the Great? Greek? Macedonian? Or was he in fact Albanian? That's the latest theory on Alexander's identity, put forward by the historians such as Nijazi Muhamedi.

In a detailed research Mr Muhamedi has published that Alexander the Great was Albanian and as the Macedonians threat any historian that has come to the same conclusion, "will be well aware that he is wading into a debate that is already highly emotive". Yes, every historian is aware of what they are publishing and what they studied and i am sure Mr Muhamedi has done his research and have published based on his findings as have the other historians done in the case of Alexander the great. If we know where and when he fought, surely Mr Muhamedi and other historians do know who he was, Albanian, Greek or Macedonian!

We do know that Alexander the Great was a brilliant general and King of ancient Macedon, whose army swept across Asia Minor, Persia, and all the way to India, around 300 BC. Every world ancient map shows that it is in the territories of Albania and any theory of Alexander being Greek or Macedonian which in fact Macedonia did not exist as a country at the time of Alexander the great and the area was illyria today Albania just eaten by it's neighbors.

How closely Alexander would associate himself with any modern nation-state is a moot point, but he is now at the centre of a very contemporary dispute about identity.

Greece has long claimed Alexander the Great as its own, stressing the cultural continuity between ancient Macedon and modern-day Greece but on the other hand Greece also claim that Albania’s Skenderbeu (Gjergj Kastioti) was Greek which is nonsense to even a 6 year old but those are the Greeks that even claim the Irish dancing and tango are from Greece.

But Greece's northern neighbour, which calls itself the Republic of Macedonia (and is recognised as such by most other countries, although not by the Greeks, who have succeeded in preventing that name from being officially adopted at the United Nations) has, in recent years, made a determined bid to claim Alexander's heritage. For example, its capital, Skopje, now boasts an "Alexander the Great Airport".

Albanian and also Greeks are outraged by this, seeing it as a deliberate appropriation of their history. History shows that Albanian Neighbors have always been fighting to get territories of Albania and many have succeeded, Macedonia has half of it's territory Albanian, Greece has a good part of Albanian territory and pushed away the Albanians, Montenegro has more then half of it's territory from Albania, I have attached the real Albanian map which basically was Albanian early 19th century and there are reasons that half of Macedonia are Albanians and speak Albanian and a good part of Greece are Albanian and they were killed and pushed out of the area as late as in the beginning of the second world war which to this day Greece denies the genocide of as many as 2 million Albanian people being killed and thrown out of their homes who have settled now in Turkey and in Albania.

There are as many as 8 million Albanians now living in Turkey which were living in Albanian territories now occupied by Greece and that is the place where Alexander the great was born.

But the Republic of Macedonia, (or the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, FYROM, as the Greeks prefer to call it) is itself a badly divided society, with an Albanian minority that often feels discriminated against.

Macedonian's know and have published themselves that they came to Balkans very late and there was never a country called Macedonia but because of the Serbian empire they occupied half of Macedonia's territory from Albania and the other half from Bulgaria. Macedonia was created by Serbia and every history of origins book is written that Serbs came from Russia in the 13th century and settled in Balkans in the 13th century so if Alexander lived and fought in 300bc, 1600 years before the Macedonian’s and Serbs settled in Balkans, he could have not been Macedonian, the questions which most historian’s need to answer is, are the Greeks just trying too hard to make everything theirs!?

Mr Muhamedi's theory implies that Albanians have been around a lot longer than that. This row will run and run. As the Balkans tries to define its future, the past remains a fertile battleground. (Erind Kurti)


  1. Ha Haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  2. I think Alexander the Great was American!! LOL!!!

  3. why shouldnt the greeks and sllavs make Leka their own- the albanians are so stupid that they dont appreciate the achievement of their leaders and history. As far as I know no book in albanian is written about Leka and his legacy, which is part of the foundation of the albanian nation. what do you people think that George Kastriot Scanderbeg just appeared out of nowhere? wake up- he was descended from Leka, the same royal family, ruled his people in the same tradition. why else did he wear the goat emblem- the same one used by Leka? why did Sulltan call him Iskander bey (Aleksander beu)?

    Is there any more solid proof than these???

  4. I had the opinion that Albanian Times is a serious newspaper. I did not however, ever expected articles of such low level that underestimate our inteligence. While reading this article, i really wandered if it was written by a normal person or probably a person with empathies and complexes. There is absolutely nothing to comment on! Even the reference to the newly eastabliushed state of FYROM is so funny. The Serbs remembered A Macedonia in thev 1940s... and the poor people in that state believed they are macedonians!

  5. Any on can claim who Alexander the Great Was and where he came from, only one thing does not chenge that Alexander the Great was a sick son of a bitch. He was an alcoholic that murdered his own father for the power, his mother Olympia (who was albanian) left him when she figured out what of a son she raised. Alexander The Great had a lifelong partner just like his father. He was gay if you do not get it..lol. He killed a lot of his most trusted friends and army and punished them by killing them all in the deserts just because they wanted to leave him in Persia. Alexander The Great was a low Life King. The rest i leave it to you to fight who wants to take the pride. Good Luck.

  6. ignorance is bliss

  7. On the expedition of Alexander the Great, 333-323 BC

    Olympia , mother of Alexander was Epirote so language of Alexander was Albanian language, his mother language.

    In the book Enigma, the author insists on what the word means epirot Albanian and not Hellenic. “Epirotica lingua” always meant “Albanian language” and never “Ellhnikh glvssa.

    King Philip of Macedonia, father of Alexander, was born in Argos, but in fact located in Argosin that Orestie, on the borders of Epirus and Illyria, (Alexander the Great, p. 14. G. Rado, 1931). Alexander the Great, Albanian origin and Hellenic in education.

    In Greek language lessons followed by Aristoti, an Albanian from the town Stagire. Through the mother tongue, Albanian or Epirote, Alexander gave courage and commanded his generals during his military expedition.

    With this language he was talking to friends and soldiers in his Extraordinary army, language that was understood by all.

    Most of the population was illiterate and Modern Greek was unknown, because it began to form about ten centuries later.


    Robert d’ Angely

  8. Here are 27 books and which show that Alexander the Great is Albanian


    Fields of wheat, hills of blood by Dr Anastasia Karakasidou

    Famous greek antro/ethnologist noted: Greeks has nothing to do with Ancient Macedonians, only Albanians can be descendant of Ancient Macedonians and Alexander the Great.


    Sir William Woodthorpe Tarn, of the British Academy, regarded worldwide as having written the definitive work on Alexander the Great, states in the opening paragraph of his book Alexander the Great that "Alexander certainly had from his father (Philip II) and probably from his mother (Olymbia) Illyrian, i.e. Albanian, blood!"*

    During Rose Wilder Lane's visit to Albania in 1921 resulting in the publication in1923 of her book Peaks of Shala, she heard the following rather extraordinary rendition of Albanian oral history about Alexander the Great from an Albanian elder:


    Sensational Discovery of Illyrian Albanians

    The author of this story Rexh Xhakli has assured articles from the library of Columbia University .

    Casually in one of the regions of Pakistan there is an discovery that can change fundamentally our national history.

    The discovery is about Illyrian – Albanian population hold over from time of “Lekes se Madh”(Great Leka).

    Whereas in 1990, in a cocktail in Washington it was my honor to have a long conversation with the Pakistani’s ambassador in Washington and I asked him:“Tell me does it look like that the family Buta seems to be with European face that it is whiter from other Pakistanis”.

    He told me that they are Greeks and remained there after Alexander, they even have the monument of Alexander the Great in their town and that they are called Pashtun-Pashto-Invader(Pushtue s-Albanian)


  9. this article illustrate how stupid people can be when it comes to ancient history. I mean what proof do we need for the origin of Alexander, his father Philip, and the ancient Macedonian in genral, because there is countless evidence.
    First the language. Plutark tell us it was called MAKEDONISTI. Now the suffix isti (isht) is used only in Albanian, like Italisht (Italian). The Greeks say Makedonikou.
    Second, why is it that the Albanians in middle ages were known as Macedonians? For example, the Poppe addresses Albanian leader Scanderbeg as the Prince of Makedoni. Even a child can answer that because at the time Albania represented ancient and present Macedonia. No wonder the turks dubbed their leader Scanderbeg (lord Alexander). Even the two-horned helmet Scanderbeg wore was used by Alexander and Pyrrhus as a symbol of his descendance from those great Albanian warriors.


    1. The Macedonians existed in an area between several people and therefore their influence consisted of everyone. Just because someone rides a horse in battle does not automatically make them part of that culture. The Americans head Cowboys and Cowboys were originally Mexican so does that mean that the whole wild west in the American colonies or Mexican? Before Argos ruled over Macedonia Macedonia’s were farmers in the Orestian Fields. Is the Macedonians were influenced by Thracians and Illyrians but they were Greek. The population was for sure mixed just like any other bordering group. Texas and Mexico have a huge mix where it’s even reflected in the food. The surviving text that we have shows a Greek language with some Illyrian and Thracian mix. The people of Epiros claimed Hellenic heritage while there were a couple other tribes living among them. Another example though of border groups mixing. Southern Illyrians had Greek influence but Greeks also had Illyrian influence. The Greek colonies of Illyria are a great example. The Greeks who were in charge of the colonies adopted some Illyrian customs and also were buried in Illyrian ways.

      Are eggs group called the priests that were part of Epiros are considered to be the Paleo Balcon group that migrated to this region. This is the group that gave birth to both Illyrians and Greeks and this is why Greeks and Albanian have very similar genetics. When Rome took over the Balkans there were no more borders and people migrated even more but the Greeks, the Illyrians and the Romans all took over the Thracians and assimilated them. Then the Slavic migration happened and all these people were pushed south and many of them left the Balkan areas and went to southern Italy and Egypt. Byzantine emperors could not bring everyone back but they succeeded in bringing most of them back so even more mixing. let’s not forget that Phillip took over the Paeonians and Rome considered the Paeonian‘s as part of Macedonia but they were not the same people as the Macedonians. This made the region of Macedonia even more mixed. Macedonian‘s continued using a kingdom as a government form versus the city states but the Macedonian‘s were the most similar to the Spartans because both were Dorian. And Indians who thought they were the purest Greeks or the better Greeks made fun of any other Greek that wasn’t similar to them. Similarly to how other Greek city states called the Spartans barbarian yeah Fenians insulted the Macedonians frequently. The best way to describe it in today’s terms is that the Athenians looked at the Macedonians like villagers or hillbillies. Oh sorry we have Illyrians and Greeks for genetically the same because they come from the same group of people in the Balkans but we also have another factor to throw in.

      Illyria was not the name of a group of people but a region and it was given to them by Greeks so it was an exonym. There was an Olympic games winner who was known both by his colony name but also as the Illyrian. This made us understand further that Illyria similarly to Thracia was a regional name because the Greeks didn’t define every single person that existed within those regions. This is also why when Rome took over the Balkans it named southern Illyria, Illyria Graecum changing it later to Epirus Nova or New Epirus. That’s because you couldn’t completely define southern Illyrians call Greeks of Epiros and Macedonia because unlike today the borders back then would fluctuate and people would migrate mix and get taken over but no one conducted genetic tests in order to correctly keep up with who was who. Macedonia remains to be mainly Greek but from an older Dorian stock which kept away from the rest of the Greeks to some degree and therefore also mixing with their neighbors.

  10. The Balkans consisted of Epirus, Mollosia, Macedonia, Illyria, shqiperia, arber, pelasgian and thrace , all speaking arbenesh (the Albanian of today)

    A short time ago when American archeologist excavated the site of the capital city of Pela, they found no trace of the Greek language or culture, only that of Arbenesh, of the thrace-illyrian, the modern Albanian.

    The Greeks could not speak Arbenesh, which is one of the reasons Alexander and his commander-in-chief, Klitos, the son of King Bardhylli of Illyria, did not recruit them into his army of conquest.

    It would have been impossible for them to understand any order given under the circumstances.

    Also, the Greeks of that time were not a free people, being subjugated Phillip, Alexander’s father hence, they were not trusted by either of them.

    Reference page 35


  11. The Albanians: an ethnic history from prehistoric times to the present
    By Edwin E. Jacques History - 1995

    Page 39

    So the ancient name of Macedonia was Emathia (Albanian: emadhja, the great one) and the pelasgians, forced back toward present albanian territory, renamed the mountainous region Matia or Mati.


  12. Encyclopedia Britannica

    By Hugh Chisholm - 1910
    Page -483

    The Albanians are apparently the most ancient race in southeastern Europe. History and legend afford no record of their arrival in the Balkan Peninsula.

    They are probably the descendants of the earliest Aryan, immigrants, who were represented in historical times by the kindred Illyrians, Macedonians and Epirots;


  13. Excavating Pela
    Page 32- 33

    The provenience newly found in the recent excavation at the site of ancient Pela, the one –times capital city of Alexander the Great, brought to light a document recording a speech made by him.

    These documents were written only in Thrace –Illyrian, and not in Greek an enlightening fact. Although the archeological discoveries add valuable knowledge to the world’s history, the geek government loath to give up a national hero is understandably reluctant to release the information to the world.

    All photographers and newsmen were barred from the place of excavation. However, unable to decipher the Illyrian alphabet themselves, they searched for, and found, an obscure professor from the University of Vienna, Austria who rendered the translation for them. Little by little the information of the find has been disseminated away.

    The document reveals the (Bessa –Bessa) pledge made by Kleito, son of King Bardhylus (Bardhyli) of Illyria, and his Illyrian troops, united with the Macedonian forces would fight the over-running Persians, and thereby making an end to the feud, which apparently had existed between themselves. “Brother fight brother, without good reason, the document stated

    The speech itself, seems to have been made by King Alexander in a peace council held at the capital city, Malossia (Malsia) Passaron, it appears, was the only plave wich was government, as well as peace and war, seemed to have been there.

    The pledge reveals many other interesting facts concerning this site of Pledges.

    In the assembly, Alexander got to his feet and invited Prince Kleitos to serve with him, and the General and Alexander shook right hands , placing their other over their heart, after the approved form of the day.

    Alexander‘s speech was as follows: Alexander the great spoke Albanian language
    100% Albanian
    “Neve jemi nga. Nje ate dhe prej njememex Illyria, Thraco Malsia dhe Macedonia . Kemi nje gjak nje gjuhe. Ndryshojme jo shume ne petka, illyrianet veshin ne krahe lekure dele dhe neve veshim burro kapa prej leshi te dhivet. Me bessa – bessa qe tani sapo beme me General Kliton, dhe me ndihmene trimave Illyrian, Malsore dhe macedonasit,

    Siguroj darmimin. Armikut, Persian kete here dote mundim te perhapim ndryten qutetrore tere botes qe jane ne arresyre”

    Alexander‘s speech was as follows:

    "We are from a father and a mother of Illyria , Macedonia, Thraco,and Malsia. We have a blood and a language

    Not change much in garments, leather arms Illyrian wear in sheep and clothe us burro kappa goat wool.
    With Bess - Bess just now there was the General Kliton, and with the help of brave Illyrian, highlands, and Macedonian

    Assure the destruction of the enemy Persian and this time will be spread all over the world the light of civilization that are in darkness”


  14. Excavating Pela
    Page 32- 33
    The provenience newly found in the recent excavation at the site of ancient Pela, the one –times capital city of Alexander the Great, brought to light a document recording a speech made by him.

    These documents were written only in Thrace –Illyrian, and not in Greek an enlightening fact. Although the archeological discoveries add valuable knowledge to the world’s history, the geek government loath to give up a national hero is understandably reluctant to release the information to the world.

    All photographers and newsmen were barred from the place of excavation. However, unable to decipher the Illyrian alphabet themselves, they searched for, and found, an obscure professor from the University of Vienna, Austria who rendered the translation for them. Little by little the information of the find has been disseminated away.

    The document reveals the (Bessa –Bessa) pledge made by Kleito, son of King Bardhylus (Bardhyli) of Illyria, and his Illyrian troops, united with the Macedonian forces would fight the over-running Persians, and thereby making an end to the feud, which apparently had existed between themselves. “Brother fight brother, without good reason, the document stated

    The speech itself, seems to have been made by King Alexander in a peace council held at the capital city, Malossia (Malsia) Passaron, it appears, was the only plave wich was government, as well as peace and war, seemed to have been there.

    The pledge reveals many other interesting facts concerning this site of Pledges.

    In the assembly, Alexander got to his feet and invited Prince Kleitos to serve with him, and the General and Alexander shook right hands , placing their other over their heart, after the approved form of the day.

    Alexander‘s speech was as follows: Alexander the great spoke Albanian language
    100% Albanian
    “Neve jemi nga. Nje ate dhe prej njememex Illyria, Thraco Malsia dhe Macedonia . Kemi nje gjak nje gjuhe. Ndryshojme jo shume ne petka, illyrianet veshin ne krahe lekure dele dhe neve veshim burro kapa prej leshi te dhivet. Me bessa – bessa qe tani sapo beme me General Kliton, dhe me ndihmene trimave Illyrian, Malsore dhe macedonasit,

    Siguroj darmimin. Armikut, Persian kete here dote mundim te perhapim ndryten qutetrore tere botes qe jane ne arresyre”

    Alexander‘s speech was as follows:

    "We are from a father and a mother of Illyria , Macedonia, Thraco,and Malsia. We have a blood and a language

    Not change much in garments, leather arms Illyrian wear in sheep and clothe us burro kappa goat wool.
    With Bess - Bess just now there was the General Kliton, and with the help of brave Illyrian, highlands, and Macedonian

    Assure the destruction of the enemy Persian and this time will be spread all over the world the light of civilization that are in darkness”


    1. Where can I find this book please as it doesn’t seem to be public? Many thanks 🙏🏽

  15. The historians' history of the world:
    a comprehensive narrative of Volume 3

    Henry Smith Williams - World history - 1907

    Page 110

    In the fashion of wearing the mantle and dressing the hair, and also in their dialect, the Macedonians bore a great resemblance to the Illyrians, whence it is evident that the Macedonians belonged to the Illyrian nation.


  16. Alexander was a Macedonian and thats a fact you Albanians cant change and as for Nijazi Muhamedi his a nut case whom doesnt have any proof, i guess now Albanians will say they landed on the moon to.

  17. From the regime of King Zog until in 1946 in Albania money was Alexander the Great picture.

    Alexander the Great in ALBANIA


    The National Currency of Albania is called ‘lek’. The lek has taken its name from Alexander the Great, because LEK is the short popular name of Alexander amongst Albanians. What is noteworthy to add is that Alexander’s coins from glorious Macedonian past are preserved down 19 century amongst Albanians. Albanians used those coins as tools of monetary exchange. They called them as ‘Lek’.

  18. Albanian people has recited poetry and singing songs, bravery of her Children

    Links for the legendary Albanian blood, present and folk songs of Vuno village was
    singing until later.

    Kush ka qene trim nje here Aleksander i madh me vlere , pirrua me shoke te tjere , por nga te gjithe me i zoti ishte Gjergj Kastrioti

    Translated in English

    Who was the brave once,Alexander the great value, Pirrua with other friends, but by all, with neat was Gjergj Kastrioti.

    HISTORY of Scanderbeg of Naim Frasheri

    Poem (1898)

    Aleksandr'i Math e burrë,
    I cili s'pat shok në jetë,
    Nukë ka pasurë kurrë
    Dhe kurrë do të mos ketë
    Piro trimi e të tjerë
    Burra shumë të lëvduar,
    Që kanë qënë një herë,
    Edhe sot s'janë harruar,
    Qenë gjithë shqipëtarë,
    Ishin djemt' e Shipërisë,
    Nuk' ishin grek e bullgarë,


    Translated in English

    Alexander Great man
    has no man as him in life
    and has never been
    And never will be
    Piro and other brave
    many men praised,
    Who were once
    Even today are not forgotten
    They were all Albanians,
    Were boys of Albania
    they were not Greek and Bulgarian

  19. By Conrad Malte-Brun

    Annals of travel geography and history, Volumes 3

    Page 159

    Quant à la langue moderne des Albanais, il est permis de croire que c'est celle que parloient autrefois les Macédoniens, leslllyriens et les Epirotes.

    Translate in English

    As for the language of modern Albanians, it is reasonable to believe that it is the one formerly spoke the Macedonians, Illyrians and Epirots.


  20. Leka i Madh, Shqiptar me fis, diq fort i ri 'Alexander der Große, ein Albaner seiner Abstammung nach, starb sehr jung

    Alexander the Great, Albanian by descent, died very young”)
    An Albanian folk song dedicated to Alexander the Great. Source: Albanisches Lesebuch, Maximilian Lambertz, 1948, p.61:

  21. What next in Turkey: glimpses of the American board's work in the near East
    By David Brewer Eddy - 1913

    Page 106

    As early as 759 B. C. there was in these mountains a coalition of native Pelasgian tribes forming a Macedonian kingdom which later leaped to fame and world leadership under Philip and Alexander the Great, who were confessedly not Greeks but were the direct ancestors of the present Albanians.

    Demosthenes hurled one of his most severe charges against Philip in the fact that he was not born a Greek but an untutored, half civilized barbarian of Macedonia.


  22. A Short History of Russia and the Balkan States
    By Donald Mackenzie Wallace
    Page 87

    The Albanians are apparently the most ancient race in southeastern Europe

    History and legend afford no record of their arrival in the Balkan Peninsula.

    They are probably the descendants of the earliest Aryan immigrants, who were represented in historical times by the kindred Illyrians, Macedonians and Epirots;


  23. The Independent, Volume 107

    Leonard Bacon, Joseph Parrish Thompson, Richard Salter Storrs
    Education - 1921

    Page 9

    The Albanian race was settled in the Balkan Peninsula before the Hellenes arrived and centuries upon centuries before the Serbs were heard of in the civilized world.

    Pyrrhus, Alexander the Great, Scanderbeg were of that race.


  24. Researches in the highlands of Turkey: including visits to mounts Volume 1
    By Henry Fanshawe Tozer

    Page 214

    The historical heroes of Albania are Alexander the Great, Pyrrhus, and Scanderbeg; and in modern times, if it is allowable to mention one so mean in connection with those great names—Ali Pasha.


  25. shok i qit ropt me faktet po aleksandri shqiptar asht


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