A new stretch of highway, running from the capital of Albania, Tirana, to Elbasan, further south, has been presented and is expected to be completed within two years. The first phase of this project will see a new highway stretching approximately 31km, consisting of 4 lanes, with two tunnels extending 2.3 and 2.1 miles being constructed between these two cities, with further stages planned to extend the motorway to Berat and Tepelene.
Elbasan is located on the Shkumbin River in the district of Elbasan. It is one of the largest cities in Albania with a population of around 100,000.
While the Prime Minister, Sali Berisha has acknowledged this project presents a greater cost, the benefits are clear and will significantly contribue to the development of Elbasan. This highway will decrease the journey between these cities by at least 40 minutes.
Earlier today, the official project of the future Tirana-Elbasan motorway was presented to the public. This is the first segment of the much talked about Southern Axis project.
Technical details from the Ministry of Transportation:
Length: 31.17km
Lanes: 4
Tunnels: 2 (2.3km and 2.1km)
Included in the project are seven overpasses, four underpasses and three intersections. Speed limit is 110/120 km/hr.
It's the first segment of the Southern Axis project, which aims to connect the capital Tirana with the southern district of Tepelena.
Southern Axis project will include several tunnels according to the prime minister. One of those segments is Berat-Tepelena, 40km.
"Speed limit is 110/120 km/hr."
ReplyDeleteEXCELLENT! That would be equivalent to 75 miles/hr. in the USA.
Has Sali Berisha paid for this website with his money or has he paid with the blood and tax payers money so he can buy (steal) the next general election. Not this time, you psychopath, you're not.
ReplyDeletePoshte Sali Berisha dhe klani i tije.
Hey Mr.Anonymous can you speak with some facts or are you just blowing smoke. Instead of insults lets start by taking real facts about what Berisha has done and what he hasn't... I don't like him any better than you but look at his counterpart Mr.Rama a failed art teacher and a mental case... I guess you choose tha latter since you are using the same results...
ReplyDeleteI dont like those who criticize their governments while themselves are doing nothing for their countries. It is not Sali's or Rama's fault for Albanian' problems. It is the result of 500 + 50 communism years of undereducation which made Albania a backward state. 2 millenia ago Albania was spreading its superior civilization to the rest of the world and trying to unite all races in an egalitarian world state, but God disapproved of this ideal and decided to take Albania's greatest king Alexander away to an untimely death. But that is how evolution works, and until another Alexander will lead Albania again the struggle continue......
ReplyDeletepse more komunist, shqiptaret nuk kane gazeta shqiptare per te lexuar po do lexojn albanian times ne anglisht per te votuar partine demokratike? Eshte nje gje e mire qe nje gazete shqiptare sic eshte albanian times shkruan artikuj ne anglisht keshtu qe te huajt mund te lexojn nje lajm te mire per shqiperine dhe mund te bejne ndonje investim. Duhet te mendojm per shqiperine, une jam sacialist per veten po di te them qe as fatosi as rama nuk mund ta bejne kurre kete qe e beri Salihu. Une me e pa te varur nuk me dhombet po ama cfare ka bere per shqiperine nuk ja mohoj, ka rregulluar shqiperine ne keto vite qe e ka mbajt. rruga me kosoven eshte me te vertet nje art dhe nje investim qe fiton i gjithe populli shqiptar.
ReplyDeletePo more sala po ben shume per shqiperine dhe ka nje te mire qe eshte atdhetar. drejtuesit e shtetit duhet te jene per popullin dhe shqiperin dhe te rregullojn kembin jo per te mbushur xhepat sic i ka mbushur edi me apartamente te ndertuar ne tirane. ashtu i ka mbushur edhe e bija dhe cuni i sales, nje fjale e urte e popullit thote qe po qe se nuk je per veten nuk je per askend po ama bej per popullin nje gje qe duket, sic beri sala rrugen me kosoven ateher ti mbush edhe xhepat tu po deshe, po me kujdes se po mbushe xhepat do filloj do derdhet dhe te del per hundesh. pastaj fjala e urte mund te kete edhe kuptimin qe te besh per popullin jo per xhepat tu. Po rregullove shqiperine dhe po e bere nje shtet te fuqishem do njifesh gjithmone si hero, po mbushe xhepat do te dale per hundesh ty ose familjes tende me mire keshtu qe njifu per hero dhe mbas disa vitesh te bejne nje bust ne mes te tiranes. posht korrupsionit dhe nje shqiperi per te ardhmen tone, per brezat e ri dhe nje shqiperi te madhe. Sic tha ky personi pak me siper, shpresojm qe te dale nje alexander ne shqiperi per ta bere kombin tone pak me te madh ne harte se nuk dallohemi!
ReplyDeleteSaliu genje shume, ay i vjell leka dhe i depositon ne bankat e jashme. Ne shqiperi duhet nje sistem politike nga ana e djathte, pa korapcion pa Sali dhe pa Rama dhe pa komunista
ReplyDeleteYou're all a bunch of nutters, I just want to get to the airport quickly and avoid all the donkeys.
ReplyDeleteSalia is stealing the votes for mayor of tirana, he is nuts, he doesn't understand what is doing to the country!