Albanian Foreign Minister Ilir Meta has confirmed that Albania will cooperate with international institutions on the organ trafficking investigation. The investigation relates to allegations that ethnic Albanian fighters killed and then trafficked the organs of Serbs captured in the 1999 Kosovo conflict. The claims first arose six years ago in the memoirs of former UN chief war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte, entitled 'Madame Prosecutor'
Serbian officials say up to 400 Kosovo Serbs vanished during the war, and a number of those may have been subjected to the practice in the alleged "yellow house" in Albania. Carla Del Ponte portrayed the "yellow house" as a building in Albania where organs might have been surgically removed from the victims.
Kosovo and Albania have strongly denied the allegations of organ trafficking.
Based on the evidence and testimonies of more than 130 witnesses collected by Serbia’s war crimes prosecutor, Serbia had requested an investigation to be reopened but this was rejected by officials in Tirana last year. The Council of Europe has since announced that an investigation will be opened and led by a former Swiss prosecutor, Dick Marty.
Albanian authorities believe that the allegations have no foundation and have denied the claims at all times. Outsiders have suggested that to make this issue die, Albania will need to show their cooperation and demonstrate they will work with an independent investigation team. As Albania strives to join the EU, a lack of cooperation could only serve to delay this dream for the people there.
For Albania it is better to join EU than have any dignity, perhaps that is why you sell your sisters for 5 euros to any Euro trash that will take em.
ReplyDeletewhat are you? albanian or serb? Albania has dignity mate? i don't think any country has more dignity then albania. Long live great albania or should i say Unted States of Albania.
ReplyDeletewho says that Albania has not dignity is not Shqiptar...!Albanians are one ,they have a comon blood culture language and traditions ..We are the natives of Balkan and once our ancestors gave the culture to all the Europe civilisations..Yes we have dignity ,no matter what politicans do and for whom they work for...We simple Albanian people have a lot of dignity and honor..!!
ReplyDeleteo bekim mitrovica, po ti cfare rracet je more shkerdhat? a je shqiptar apo serb. njeri i poshter. To the comment above, it's time to leave the politions do their job, in every country the politions are respected and trusted for working for the best of their country and in albania it is time we leave berisha and co do what's best for the albania and kosova. Albanian's are lobying for kosova status everywhere they go.
ReplyDeleteAlbania is very Third World and has no place in the European Union. Albania is so horribly backwards, extremely poor, almost non existent infrastructure. Albanians do not show themselves to be European.
ReplyDeleteI have been to Albania last year and there is hardly any changes.
From a Spaniard
Serbia is Kosovo
ReplyDeleteThe Serbs own the Balkans paid for with blood
SERBIA IS KOSOVA and KOSOVA IS ALBANIA go back to russia n join milloshevich's family LONG LIVE GREATER ALBANIA (LAVDI)
ReplyDeleteand TO ALBANIAN TIMES where THE FCUK is prishtina on the weather to the left?
ReplyDeleteLong live native european albanians and to dhe commenter before albania have the biggest growth in europe dum boy and serbia is contrasting 4-6 percent for 2009 stupit monky in serbia people cant eat three times a day donky serb siberian immigrants.
ReplyDeleteWe had Prishtina but if you click on the custom weather and check the weather in Prishtina you will understand why we don't have it! E kishim Prishtinen po ne qofte se klikon ne kusom weather e kupton pse nuk e kam vendos. u kam dergu atyne p******ve te motres email me ndryshu se Kosova asht republic po akoma se kan ndryshu, deri ateher ju kerkojm falje.