Merlot Wine - Skenderbeu - Durres - Albanian Wines - (Vere Shqiptare)

Merlot Wine - Albanian Red Wine - (Vere Shqiptare)

Merlot - Skenderbeu - Durres

Merlot is a red wine, strong and bold. It goes well with well-seasoned foods. Merlot has a "Black Rooster" emblem that the wineries have started using to build regional recognition.

It is one of the great wines to use with game such as beef, lamb, pork, veal, venison, elk or antelope because its distinctive flavour and it has the right acidity to cut through and clean the taste of game.

The red wine which has been able to renew itself over the past decades changing from the stereotype wine-in-a-flask into one of the most appreciated wines in Balkans, multifaceted, long-lasting and as rich in fruit as in complexity.

1 comment:

  1. I had a nice Albanian Tokai wine in a restaurant in Tirana Albania. i then searched many stores, and could not find Albanian Tokai!. Can you help?:)


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