There has been renewed discussion surrounding the somewhat controversial plans for Italy to build a nuclear power station in Albania. Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berluscone has said that Italy will set up a nuclear power station in Albania. In an interview with Italian newspaper, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno "Berlusconi has thrown light on the previous uncertainties concerning the possibility of establishing nuclear power plant. According to him, the plant will be established in the framework of a cooperation project in a friendly country, as is Albania. He has rejected the idea of establishing the plant in Pulia, acknowledging that the region is already energy-independent and does not need such a plant".
"My preference for setting up this plant in Albania is based on broad reflection and focus on the cooperation project with a friendly country" - he said, adding that the necessary discussions have already taken place at the technical level by the EIB (European Investment Bank). He further highlighted that the establishment of plants is something that has interested many Italians and has a keen following in the media. Further to this, Berluscone added that Italy urgently needs to find a way to reduce electricity costs, as such costs are typically 30% higher than the European average, thus decreasing the competitiveness of Italian exports. Production cannot take higher costs.
Italy's interest in the establishment of such a nuclear power plant has been clear and well expressed, however Albania's cooperation has been less-communicated in the past. Responding to media interest, Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini, during a recent conference referred to multiple "development scenarios around the Adriatic and the Balkan region" and confirmed that Italy has entered into talks with several countries, one of which is Albania". He went on to say that Slovenia is also under consideration.
NO i dont think this is a good idea
ReplyDeletethis can destroy the albanian nature even worst as it is already was destroyed by the communist this can bring alot of pollution to the air
i personally think albania should do alot of wind, hydro and solar energy
stop importing and think for your own country
thats very true
ReplyDeleteseriously every albanian should disagree with this
they shudnt let some messed up government fool around with them just like they have in recent years
STAND UP my god enough is enough
kjo mund te shkatrroje naturen the ajrin ne shqiprine
ReplyDeletemund te shkaktojn ari pollution dhe shum te tjera
WIND, SOLAR, HYDRO POWER jan ma te mjera per energjine ne shqiprine
Why does Italy want to build a nuclear power plant in Albania? Because the regulations are not as strict as in the EU.In a well regulated country nuclear energy is safe and efficient, but with the level of corruption in high places in Albania, it is sure that short cuts would be taken, meaning less safety.
ReplyDeleteAlbania needs to develope wind turbine power generation.
Italy is offending Albanians with that proposition. We dont want a polluted Jonian sea and polluted air.
ReplyDeletewell, it's not italy to blame, it is our government that has shown interest and has opened it's doors! Berisha himself has said, that we do not have the money for that but anyone that wants to invest on that has the doors open! So basically Italy is not offending Albania but it is the government of albania that wants to create jobs and make money not thinking about the concequences that the nuclear energy brings in the country!
ReplyDeleteeh shqipe, show him the money and berisha will do anything! not a nuclear power station but he will even sell the whole country for money! I hope he doesn't do anything stupid and creates a nuclear power station in the country that still needs another 5 years or so to have the stability for that! France and England have many nuclear power stations and they don't seem to be bothered about it much so i don't think in regards to pollution this should not be done, but as one of the comments mentioned earlier, we albanians like to fill our pockets before giving anything away, so the guys that will be working on the station will take shortcuts and that will end up in a catastrophy!
ReplyDeleteAlbania is stable country and growing and this will help the economy! Albania should aim for energy superpower as it's the only thing they can aim for! it's too small of a country to become known on anything else!
ReplyDeleteAlbania doesn't need nuclear power with all the rivers and the hills they have, they can produce energy at any corner or the country! but i doubt they will ever become energy superpower! they like buying foreign things! If you go in the bar, you don't see anyone drinking albanian beer which albania has loads and to help it's own ecenomy they should always buy the albanian products same every other country does! potatoes, peppers, olives, tomatoes and all other vegetables and fruits are produced in albania but yet they all go for greek, bulgarian, french potatoes.... Think?, local product better then from anywhere else, healthier, organic and it helps local economy and the employment!
ReplyDeleteThat is very true, i just read an article on shekulli that was showing potatoes from france in the albanian market when potatoes can be produced anywhere in albania! That is crazy to buy potatoes! Albanians depend too much on the government but it is the people that should start working their lands and stop blaming the government! you can't all be hoping for factories to get jobs there! To open the factory you need to have the product that the factory need?
ReplyDeleteI am from Albania and i live in Ireland for the last 14 years. When i go in the supermarkets, in the indian, turkish, arabic shops you will find food from everywhere but i have never ever seen any product from albania, you will find pita bread from india, cheese from greece, bulgaria, macedonia, bosnia, montenegro, croatia but nothing from albania! Albanians that have remained in the country need to work harder rather then depending on us to send money and just live to have money to go and sit around the bars and coffee's all day! there are jobs in albania if you wanna work, get working in the land, what do you think we do here in ireland and elsewhere! we all work, whether that is in land, building, factories, cleaners and everything else! we do not have seats in the parliament, we work and work hard to make a better living. times have changed and now albania has an open market and i would like to see albanian products sold here so im proud of my country and i would happily buy that expensiver then something produced in greece.
ReplyDeleteyes and whilst you are at it, stop littering the country ffs! you go in any capital of Europe but you don't see the citizens of that place throwing the empty bottles or tissues in the middle of the street! you wouldn't do that at home on your drive way so don't do it in the street either. Help your country get better can only be done by the people of that country!? so Albania has to be done by Albanians but definitely not by eating french potatoes!!!!
ReplyDeleteSome of you must not have lived in Albania. Rivers? Cmon, we spent long winters without power, in a "European City" like Tirana! Albania needs to find a way to fix its power and water problems. Having water for 5 hours a day is also not a solution. It needs to change asap! Either be it Nuclear Power Plant for energy, or wind turbines, Albania needs a solution. I'm not so against the Nuclear Power Plant, as we can export the rest of the power to our neighbors, and actually make a profit out of this. Then maybe, just maybe our politicians will not be so corrupt any longer!
ReplyDeleteCan't be worse. The post-communist dictator Berisha is making a deal with the devil and wants to sell it as an achievement. Dupe me not! Why doesn't Italy build the NPP in its territory but in Albania? Reap the benefits, while Albanians risk death. Way to go Albania's narcistic dictator!
Mos flisni ca anglisht e ca shqip se te gjith shqipo jemi ndaj mos thoni albanians should but better say we should ,why dont you guys come back to ur home albania and fix things since u know better coz u been outside! Ne jemi nje komb i pa cip ia fusim njeri tjetrit per pun leku se jemi te pangopur dhe ashtu do mbetemi dhe per nja 100 vjet.
ReplyDeletesecili per vete nuk behet puna, qeveri ska, prespektive ska, Shqiperia ka nevoje per te jashtemit te na rregullojne se po qe per ne te brendshmit harrojeni, kokat e shqiperise vjellin gjith fondet qe vijne per ndihmat e shqiperise, gjith kokat e qeverise behen te pasur me vila jashte shtetit brenda vitit ne pozit. Turp!!!!
Nuclear station is good as long as we can take care for it, BUT we can not take care coz they gonna steel and make short all the money that need to keep these stations safe so in the end Albania is going to suffer from radiations etc.. even Japan had it hard to handle the nuclear stations imagine Albania!!... Albania need all new politicians who really care for it and we the people have to help, STOP Korupsioni!! STOP pagimi i lekut ndene dore kur duam dicka ne zyrat e shtetit, vete per patente apo tek doktori, apo ne zyrat e bashkise dhe kudo vec detyrimit mos paguani gje tjeter o popull se ne i mesojme ata keshtu, mos jepni lek ata do tju verdallisin pak por ne fund do tja u japin sepse ne fund te fundit se kan ata ne dore vec te vonojne se e din qe do marin ndonje lek, dhe ky eshte korrupsion.