The Minister for Economy, Trade and Energy, Mr. Dritan Prifti, said yesterday that Albania will be the country with the highest economic growth in Europe in 2010. The minister, who was attending a ceremony in Veneto bank, also attended by other members of government, business representatives, and representatives of the banking group Veneto, spoke of how Albania was the country with highest economic growth in 2009 and how it is expected to be even higher in 2010, in the region of 4 - 5%. Growth was 3% in 2009. He added 'Albania is a country that grows.'
Regarding the Veneto Bank, the Minister expressed his conviction that this banking group has arrived in Albania with the right strategy to survive and to benefit from business in Albania. Albania is a country with 17 different banks. He also highlighted that the Albanian government has pledged support for the business that this group will be build in our country.
The minister went on to say that Albania has very interesting economic sectors in which to invest, such as energy, mining, tourism etc. "I want to invite not only Albanian business, but also foreign enterprises that invest in Albania, to be more innovative, have more stable business plans and thus see profit. The banking sector is one that is doing well and can support innovation and new business development.
genjeshter e madhe,si ka mundesi kur me nuk prodhojme dhe eksportojme asgje?
ReplyDeleteshqiperia eshte vendi qe rrite vetem varferine dhe diferencen e madhe midis atyre qe kane(qeveritaret e te dya partive) dhe atyre qe mundohen te jetojne nga nje dite ne tjetren.
ReplyDeleteturp per nje qeveritar te bejne komente te tilla.
ti do jesh ndonje nga ata qe qenke kungullesh nga truni mushkonje e infektuar komunist parazit prandaj i shef gjerat ashtu por nuk e kuptan qe nje vend i pa shfrytezuar ka shum gjera per te explozuar debil
ReplyDeleteBesoj se Shqiperia do te kete nje rritje ekonomike te mire ne vitet e ardhshme, por rritja duhej te ishte me e larte nqoftese qeveria do te luftonte pak korrupsionin. Kjo rritje nuk do te thote se jeta e Shqiptareve do te ndrjshoj branda nates,ne jemi vendi me i varfer ne europe dhe ne ballkan dhe do te marre nje kohe te gjate me rritje ekonomike 4 ose 5 perqind ne vite qe te shohesh ndryshime te dukshme ne Shiperi. Ne Shqiperi nuk ka barazi konkurence ne biznes dhe cdo gje eshte me miqesi dhe leke neqoftese ky mentalitet nuk ndryshon ateher Shqiperia do te jete gjithmon e varfer dhe per te ardhur keq pervec politikaneve qe mund te bejne cdo gje per te mbushur xhepat e vete dhe nuk duan tja dine as per popullin e as per vendin, eshte per te ardhur keq.
ReplyDeleteAlbanian economy still growing despite what's going on in Greece and Italy and more. But is 3% what we need in order to improve the standard of living and catch up with other more advanced countries in Europe?
ReplyDeleteLaw enforcement is big obstacle for our society and economy.
Everything starts and ends there.