Albania Press Review - February 19

Erind Kurti - Albanian Times

Headlines of today’s newspapers in Albania:

Here are the top stories in Albania’s main newspapers.

Gazeta Koha Shqiptare:

Prime minister’s declaration of the privatization of the government assets has been wowed by the parliament. Economy experts criticised the prime minister not to go ahead with the privatization until the world economy picks up again. Assets at this economical situation would be sold for less then what they would be worth in a year time when experts are expecting a growth in economy worldwide.

Gazeta Shekulli:
After a poll done by "Gallup International" 17% of Albania wants to emigrate if the possibility was give and the majority of those prefer Italy as the first choice to emigrate. Greece, USA and England are the other countries chosen by the public to emigrate to. The poll was done in close of the free visa regime for Albania.

Talks between the Prime Minister Sali Berisha and the opposition Socialist Party Edi Rama continue with the mediation of the country's president. The talks aim to find common ground and resolve Albania’s political stalemate.

Gazeta Kohajone:
Albania is the only country in the region with growth in 2009. Albania was the only country with growth in 2008 and 2009. Compared to other Balkan countries, Albania was ranked the highest in Balkans for investments in infrastructure, energy and tourism.

Gazeta 55:
More then half million Albanians have already applied for the biometric passports. Interior ministry invites citizens to apply for the biometric passports whilst this will help speed the process of free visa regime for Albania.

The Albanian government’s project to begin redistributing arable land for rent to farmers who agree to cultivate the land could create social tensions in rural areas.

The OSCE declaration on Albania’s parliamentary elections fuels the already heated dispute between the opposition and the government over the poll results.

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