Albanian Times: "UN Kosovo Head to Warn Security Council Against Final Status Delay"

The head of the UN mission in Kosovo warned Friday that residents of the breakaway Serbian territory are growing frustrated by the international community delaying a roadmap for the region’s eventual independence.

UNMIK head of mission Joachim Ruecker said the security situation in Kosovo is stable but its ethnic Albanian majority is frustrated by the inaction.

“They demand clarification and they want to know about their future,” Ruecker said.
Further delays might create a risky and difficult situation, he said

The German diplomat will brief the UN Security Council in New York on Kosovo on Monday. Beside hearing Reucker’s report, the Security Council could discuss a new resolution on Kosovo’s final status.

The document’s most recent draft foresees terminating UNMIK and installing a new EU mission in Kosovo, leaving a 120-day period for further consultations between Kosovo and Serbia.

Kosovo has been a UN protectorate since 1999, but it eventually would become independent under the plan drafted by UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari. The plan recommends independence for Kosovo supervised by the international community. The proposal is supported by western powers, but it is rejected by Serbia and its traditional ally Russia.

Three other proposals sponsored by the US and EU members of the Security Council failed due to Russian opposition. Moscow has threatened to use its veto power as a permanent member of the Security Council on any resolution that is not accepted by Serbia.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon on Thursday praised the overall progress in Kosovo, but he also warned that everything could soon unravel unless the territory’s future status is determined.

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