News in Brief - Region

Lawmakers evaluate as unacceptable the increasing of pensions for 10 euros

Parliamentary Committee for Labor and Social Welfare evaluates as unacceptable the increase of pensions for only 10 euros, adding that this is only emergency assistance.

European Commission helps Kosova to become competitive in CEFTA

The representatives of the European Commission promised that they will help Kosovar enterprises to be competitive in the marked, when they apply for the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), part of which is Kosova.

Blunt: Trust the international community, independence is a clear goal

The Director for Europe in the British Foreign Ministry, Antony Smith and the Chief of the British Office in Prishtina, David Blunt following today’s meetings with the leaders of Municipality of Peja and Deçan announced that the process of the approval of the new resolution for Kosova is requiring more time than it was expected, whereas they assured that international community supports Ahtisaari’s plan.

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